Privacy policy

(art. 13 GDPR 2016/679)


This document explains how and why treats user data (spoiler: we do our best).

The owner and operator of the service is Laurent Bedubourg, sole proprietorship, 26 av. Gustave Eiffel, 33700 Merignac, France

This document concerts both the website and the data hosted by the underlying share service

Cookies policy

Third party cookies

We use Google Analytics cookies to get navigation statistics about our website and improve our service.

You can opt out from Google Analytics using Google's opt-out add-on

We use a cookie when you connect to the service as a mean to identify and secure your requests with the service (technical note: this cookie goes into the "local-storage" of your browser).

When you signup/signin you implicitly accept this cookie -otherwise the service won't work-. When you are done using the service click the "logout" button to destroy this cookie from your browser.

Personal Account data

When you signup to our service we ask for an email, a name, a company and other private information.

We do not share these information with third party.

We will only use your email to send you:

  • password reset emails
  • important information about the service

If you checked the newsletter checkbox you may receive emails about side projects, ideas and services more or less related with this service.

You will be able to unsubscribe from the newsletter using an unsubscribe link from the mail you will receive.

Service data

As this service is a social share facilitator it hosts the content YOUR users send to it.

When one of your users uses our service to share something coming from your website or app we store his IP, the content to share, the date at which the content was shared.

The IP is only stored for a maximum of 90 days.

This IP along with the date of publication of the content is a legal security to prevent abuses.

We do not inspect the shared content but as it can be shared and discovered we insist that you MUST prevent your users from sharing private or illegal information, see 'Responsibility of shared data'.

Responsibility of shared data

You are responsible for the content your application and users send to the service using your API keys.

In case of legal complaints we will facilitate your private data and the log of shared content with available users IPs to justice.

We will immediately destroy offending contents.

Don't do stupid things, don't share private data about your users.

Problem solving

Please contact us at if:

  • you found an offending content shared via our service
  • you found some suspicious content shared via our service
  • you shared a content containing private information via our service by error and want to see it destroyed
  • you have any question regarding our policies, our service, etc.

Please note that content shared on social networks may be hard to remove even if we delete it on you may have to take more actions on facebook, twitter, etc.